Sunday, March 24, 2013

Due to the shortened week, there will be no spelling words until after the break.  Also, I want to thank each of you for your child's participation in the Science Fair.  I really enjoyed each project and thought that everyone did a fantastic job.  The children were excited to explain their projects to the judges and enjoyed showing them off to the rest of the student body.  Congratulations to all for a job well done!

Five students from Dual-Immersion were Science Fair winners.  Jackson Harrison placed first, Toryn Stapley placed second, Davee Benitez placed third with Macye Dalton and Chanzie Stringham receiving honorable mentions.

We also created beautiful works of art to display during the Science Fair.  This is our Eric Carle art taken from his book entitled The Tiny Seed.

Red Group #5 participated in a special project on Friday.  They worked in groups and had to create a simple machine that one could use to catch fish if he/she became stranded on a desert island.  This activity went along with a story from their reading series.  They did a great job and the machines really worked.  Blue Group #5 also did the same project but unfortunately, I forgot to get pictures.  So sorry Zack and Addison.

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