Sunday, March 10, 2013

I know everyone is busy working on the Science Fair project.  The children are very excited to share their projects and are looking forward to the event next week.  The Science Fair entry forms are due this Friday, March 15th.  I ran off extra copies so please let me know if you need one.  The projects are due Thursday, March 21st.  Parents can help with set up before school that day and the children will be called to the gym sometime that morning to meet with the judges.  Each student should be prepared to briefly discuss his/her project with them.  That night is the Science Fair for family and friends to attend. The PTA General Meeting will be held at 6:30pm in the cafeteria followed by the Science Fair in the gym.  In addition, the walls of the gym will be covered with student artwork which my classes will be busy creating this week.  We are going to create Eric Carle art which we know you will love.  I hope to see everyone at the Science Fair next week.

Scholastic book orders are due on Friday, March 15th.

We are excited to start our Physics unit next week.

This week we will begin our expository writing unit.  We have learned about "How To" writing and will begin our pieces tomorrow.  Look for them in the hallway soon!  After spending a couple of weeks learning "How To" writing we will write All About Books.  I will soon send home a letter explaining this unit of study.

In the next two weeks we will learn cause and effect through various pieces of literature.

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