Sunday, April 21, 2013

The assembly times have been changed for Wednesday, April 14th.  Our first graders will perform at 9:15 for the 3rd-5th graders and and 10:15 for the K-2nd graders.  You are welcome to come for either or both performances.

Our walking field trip to the Natural History Museum at SUU is scheduled for Thursday, April 25th.  We will leave at 9:10 and return for lunch.  

Due to end of level testing in the upper grades, we will lose our Title One reading aides starting tomorrow.  I have decided to cancel Friday reading groups and have those parents come on other days.  We will now have reading on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays only.  I hope to continue groups until the end of the year as I think they are very beneficial.  The DIBEL'S reading test is coming up in May so please continue reading with your child nightly.  There is only one month left to pass off sight words and Fry Phrases.  

Our focus in writing for the next three weeks will be non-fiction report writing.  We will begin our mapping unit in social studies and soon start the life cycle unit in science.  

Mr. Burton has hired the third grade dual-immersion Spanish teacher.  His name it Mr. Niles.  I have heard many good things about him and I think you will be very happy.  He has taught at South Elementary and is currently at Three Peaks Elementary.

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