Thursday, January 23, 2014

Yesterday we experimented with thermometers.  I gave each child a thermometer, a cup of hot water and a cup of ice.  They experimented at their desks and discovered that the colder it is the lower the thermometer goes and the hotter it is the higher it goes.  It was a fun inquiry-based lesson and the students were excited to be scientists.  Sorry, I planned on taking some great photos but forgot to get the camera out.  Oops!

We have also been learning about fiction vs. non-fiction texts.  We are working on a book all about non-fiction that you will see come home very soon.  In addition, we have been ramping up our writing.  The students have perfected the format of narrative writing but now need to include details to make their writing more interesting.  This has been a hard concept for them to implement but we will keep practicing.  

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