Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mr. Burton rescheduled our Awards Assembly for Wednesday, April 24th at 10:00am to accommodate end of level testing in the upper grades.  Our classes will sing two songs and Kirsten Anderson scheduled a person from SUU to come and discuss recycling.  It will be a great assembly and we hope all parents can attend.  Since the assembly was moved to Wednesday I had to reschedule the glazing of our ceramics to May 1st.  Below is an up-dated schedule of events:

Wednesday, April 10th-  Wizard of Oz @ Randall Theatre
Wednesday, April 17th-  Ceramics Project (parents needed)
Wednesday, April 24th-  Assembly @ 10:00 am
Thursday, April 25th-  Natural History Museum (parents needed) Both groups will leave at 9:10 and return before lunch.
Wednesday, May 1st-  Glazing Pots (parents needed)

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