Sunday, May 4, 2014

Last week we had a visit from Dylan's mom, Marcia, and Susan Leslie from the Forest Service.  They taught us about the watershed and how we can be water wise.  They brought a water table to demonstrate the watershed and even gave us a Spanish book about water.  

 Water table
 Jesus liked everything and had a clean plate when through.

Since we are learning about chia seeds we had a chia taste testing.  Everyone tasted Chan, chia bread, chia pudding, and granola with chia seeds.  After tasting each item we filled out a taste survey.

Campbel did not like the chia pudding!

Recipe for Chan:  Mix 1/4 cup chia seed into 1 cup of water.  Let sit 10 minutes and stir again.  This makes a thick "gel" which may be kept in the fridge for one week.  Add 1/4 cup of this gel to 1/2 gallon of commercial lemonade.  Shake or stir well and let set for 10 minutes to combine flavors.

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