Sunday, March 30, 2014

Congratulations to those that entered a project in the Science Fair.  It was a great learning experience for the children and they loved sharing their collections and experiments with the rest of the school.  We also had a very successful "Science" assembly Friday afternoon.  Mr. Fred Rowley ( Freddy Physics) put on an outstanding science show for the whole school.  The students were captivated by his cool experiments and we even got to see Mr. Burton kiss a pig! 
We are finishing up the close reading spider unit this week and will take a spider assessment on Wednesday. We are also finishing up "How to" writing and preparing to start informational writing.  When we go to the library on Thursday/Friday, I would like each student to choose a book(s) to read for the informational report.  Please read the book(s) with your child at home and any other books or internet information that you can find so that your child becomes an "expert" on that topic.  Next week your child will begin writing a report on the chosen topic. The next science unit we will study is force and motion (physics).

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