Sunday, March 30, 2014

Congratulations to those that entered a project in the Science Fair.  It was a great learning experience for the children and they loved sharing their collections and experiments with the rest of the school.  We also had a very successful "Science" assembly Friday afternoon.  Mr. Fred Rowley ( Freddy Physics) put on an outstanding science show for the whole school.  The students were captivated by his cool experiments and we even got to see Mr. Burton kiss a pig! 
We are finishing up the close reading spider unit this week and will take a spider assessment on Wednesday. We are also finishing up "How to" writing and preparing to start informational writing.  When we go to the library on Thursday/Friday, I would like each student to choose a book(s) to read for the informational report.  Please read the book(s) with your child at home and any other books or internet information that you can find so that your child becomes an "expert" on that topic.  Next week your child will begin writing a report on the chosen topic. The next science unit we will study is force and motion (physics).

 Science Fair Photos (Sorry that I only have photos of the Red Group but I had them Friday morning when we toured the Science Fair)

Science Fair Photos

 Science Fair Winners (Red Group)

 Science Fair Winners (Blue Group)

Spelling Words for the Week of March 31st
1.  find
2.  kind
3.  mind
4.  mild
5. child
6.  wild
7.  day
8.  play
9.  into
10. just

1.  I want to play with the kind child.
2.  Did you find the wild dog?

Challenge Words:
1.  hour
2.  best
3.  heard
4.  space
5.  whole

Enrichment Words:
1.  faces
2.  putting
3.  vowel
4.  fishing
5.  express
6.  holding
7.  shot
8.  instruments
9.  angry
10. southern
11. dress
12. proud
13. neck
14. breath
15. strength

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spelling Words for the Week of March 24th

1.  day
2.  say
3.  sail
4.  pail
5.  pay
6.  play
7.  right
8.  high
9.  its
10. ride

1.  Can you play right now?
2.  We can sail in the bay.

Challenge Words:
1. rock
2. order
3. fire
4. south
5. problem

Enrichment Words:
1.  opening 
2.  market
3.  we're
4.  flew
5.  finger
6.  expect
7.  California
8.  army
9.  schools
10. danger
11. purpose
12. breakfast
13. proper
14. coat
15. signs

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Just a reminder of the Science Fair on Thursday, March 27th.  It starts at 6:30 pm and will be held in the gym.  Your child will need to set up his/her project that morning before school.  Only those students that returned the salmon colored science fair project form will be allowed to set up.  Student art work will also be displayed in the gym durning the fair.  

The first grade is in charge of the Award's Assembly in March.  It is scheduled for Friday, March 28th at 2:00 pm.  The theme is "Science" and we will perform a song and I have invited Mr. Fred Rowley who is the science/math specialist at the North Elementary School to put on a short science show for us.  It should be great fun and parents are invited to attend.
Spelling Words for the Week of March 17th

1.  high
2.  night
3.  light
4.  right
5.  might
6.  bright
7.  rode
8.  those
9.  over
10. your

1.  The light is very bright.
2.  I rode my horse over the hill.

Challenge Words:
1.  happen
2.  four
3.  ship
4.  area
5.  half

Enrichment Words:
1.  Spanish
2.  term
3.  cloth
4.  doctor
5.  indeed
6.  turning
7.  dance
8.  church
9.  enjoy
11. climbed
12. string
13. sea
14. familiar
15. hardy

Sunday, March 9, 2014

 After reading a story in the Reading Horizon's book, Ava and Meryn created a tool to catch fish.  It was a fun project and the girls did a great job!

Spelling Words for the Week of March 10th

1.  bone
2.  cone
3.  code
4.  rode
5.  rose
6.  those
7.  round
8.  how
9.  very
10. an

1.  My dog ate a big bone.
2.  The rose is very pretty.

Challenge Words:
1.  short
2.  two
3.  class
4.  wind
5.  question

Enrichment Words:
1.  spider
2.  arachnid
3.  weave
4.  abdomen
5.  silk
6.  prey
7.  spinnerets
8.  egg sac
9.  spiderling
10. ballooning
11. molting
12. exoskeleton
13. orb web
14. tunnel
15. poison

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Spelling Words for the Week of March 3rd

1.  cow
2.  how
3.  now
4.  down
5.  out
6.  round
7.  nice
8. face
9. if
10. over

1.  The cow ran down the hill.
2.  Do you have a round face?

Challenge Words:
1.  body
2.  family
3.  her
14. Monday
15. leave

Enrichment Words:
1.  imagine
2.  blow
3.  quick
4.  law
5.  lie
6.  final
7.  rise
8.  certainly
9.  loud
10. fair
11. pointed
12. pushed
13. herself
14. learning
15. noise