Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Today we conducted several experiments to learn about matter.  The favorite experiment was when we blew up a balloon by mixing baking soda and vinegar.  Some of the kids want to try it at home so here are the directions:

Fill an empty water bottle with 1 1/2 cups of vinegar.  Using a funnel put 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a large balloon.  Put the balloon over the water bottle opening with the balloon hanging over the side.  Quickly lift the balloon so baking soda empties into water bottle and watch the reaction.

Note:  The blue group has NOT done this experiment as we ran out of time.  We will do it Friday morning so please don't try this at home (if your child is in this group) until after we have done it in class.  Thank you.

 We learned that matter is anything that takes up space.  We also learned that matter can be a liquid, solid, or a gas.

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