Monday, October 28, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of October 28th

1.  us
2.  bus
3.  bug
4.  rug
5.  mug
6.  must
7.  with
8.  then
9.  they
10. but

1.  The men went on the bus.
2.  The bug must sit on the rug.

Challenge Words:
1. three
2. want
3. air
4. well
5. also

Enrichment Words:  
1.  subtract
2.  event
3.  particular
4.  deal
5.  swim
6.  term
7.  opposite
8.  wife
9.  shoe
10. shoulder
11. spread
12. arrange
13. camp
14. invent
15. track

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Sauceda - Could you please explain the purpose of the enrichment words? Also, for a while I thought the kids were just being tested on the "Spelling Words" and the "Challenge Words" were for extra credit, but looking at Lil's results it looks like they're scored for all 15 words? Thanks!
