Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Today we examined our soil samples using microscopes.  We also made our own slides and recorded our observations.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of October 28th

1.  us
2.  bus
3.  bug
4.  rug
5.  mug
6.  must
7.  with
8.  then
9.  they
10. but

1.  The men went on the bus.
2.  The bug must sit on the rug.

Challenge Words:
1. three
2. want
3. air
4. well
5. also

Enrichment Words:  
1.  subtract
2.  event
3.  particular
4.  deal
5.  swim
6.  term
7.  opposite
8.  wife
9.  shoe
10. shoulder
11. spread
12. arrange
13. camp
14. invent
15. track

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Last week we dissected seeds and learned the different parts of a seed.  We also classified a variety of seeds and thought about how they travel.  We made group posters depicting how seeds travel which we will present to the class on Tuesday.  We will complete the seed unit on Tuesday and take the seed assessment on Wednesday.

Spelling Words for the Week of October 22nd

1.  then
2.  them
3.  this
4.  that
5.  path
6.  with
7.  men
8.  set
9  for
10. on

1.  That cat is thin.
2.  This bat is thick.

Challenge Words
1.  old
2.  too
3.  same
4.  tell
5.  does

Enrichment Words
1.  print
2.  dead
3.  spot
4.  desert
5.  suit
6.  current
7.  lift
8.  rose
9.  continues
10. block
11. chart
12. hat
13. sell
14. success
15. company

Thursday, October 10, 2013

 Yesterday we participated in another inquiry based engineering lesson.  After studying the materials that we could use to build our inventions, we designed on paper our own container for carrying apples. The container had to have handles and be big enough and strong enough to carry at least three apples from one side of the room to the other.  After drawing our designs, we were placed in groups of 3 or 4 and told to choose the best design and then create it.  It was amazing because everyone was engaged and participating!  Most of the designs were a success but some were not.  We learned that engineers do not give up but keep working to better their designs.  

I took a lot of video of the kiddos testing their inventions.  I will try and upload them to the blog.