Sunday, May 5, 2013

May Calendar of Events

May 6th- Literacy Journals due (Last turn in date)
May 7th- Last day of reading interventions with Mrs. Kenney and Mrs. Allen 
May 13th- Last day to receive book in a bag
May 13th- DIBELS Reading Test (Red group @ 9:45, Blue group @ 1:00)
May 15th- Swimming Field Trip @ Aquatic Center 9:45-11:45
May 16th- Walk-a-thon @ 9:30-10:30
May 17th- Field Day (Canyon Trail Hike)
May 20th- Walk-a-thon $ due
May 23rd- School-wide movie @ 9:30
May 23rd- Last day of reading groups
May 24th- Final Assembly @ 9:30
May 24th- Last day of school, students dismissed at 2:30pm

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