Friday, May 17, 2013

Pics from the Walk-a-thon yesterday.  The kids did a great job walking for an hour.  They were tired and thirsty but they kept going!  Please have your child bring any money earned on or before May 21st.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

We've been practicing persuasive writing for the past two weeks.  We hope you enjoyed the persuasive writing for Mother's Day.  Each child had to persuade the reader to believe  that his/her mother is the best mother is the whole world.

Today we had a great time at the Aquatic Center.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of May 13th

1.  boy
2.  toy
3.  joy
4.  spoil
5.  oil
6.  boil
7.  moist
8.  foil
9.  cool
10. boot

1.  The boy lost his toy.
2.  Boil the meat so it won't spoil.

Challenge Words:
1.  doing
2.  catch
3.  called
4.  begin
5.  seen

Enrichment Words:
1.  notebook
2.  watermelon
3.  operation
4.  motorcycle
5.  stubborn
6.  plastic
7.  magnify
8.  crocodile
9.  excuse
10. pumpkin
11. grandfather
12. aquarium
13.  giant
14. beginning
15. centimeter

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Last week we studied Dr. Jane Goodall.  She is considered to be the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees.  Goodall is best known for her 45-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Gombe, Tanzania.  She has worked extensively on conservation and animal welfare issues.  We read that as a child she knew that she was destined to live with and study the chimpanzees.  We discussed that each of us is unique and can make a difference in this world.  We then wrote about what we want to be when we grow up and the education that we will need to get there.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dax ran the Ironman Kid's race in St. George last Friday while his 
dad ran the half Ironman triathlon on Saturday.  
He wrote that when he gets older his goal is to complete an Ironman. 
As many of you know, the "Ironman" is the ultimate in races.  
Way to go Dax!  We are so proud of you!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May Calendar of Events

May 6th- Literacy Journals due (Last turn in date)
May 7th- Last day of reading interventions with Mrs. Kenney and Mrs. Allen 
May 13th- Last day to receive book in a bag
May 13th- DIBELS Reading Test (Red group @ 9:45, Blue group @ 1:00)
May 15th- Swimming Field Trip @ Aquatic Center 9:45-11:45
May 16th- Walk-a-thon @ 9:30-10:30
May 17th- Field Day (Canyon Trail Hike)
May 20th- Walk-a-thon $ due
May 23rd- School-wide movie @ 9:30
May 23rd- Last day of reading groups
May 24th- Final Assembly @ 9:30
May 24th- Last day of school, students dismissed at 2:30pm
Spelling Words for the Week of May 6th

1.  cool
2.  tool
3.  toot
4.  tooth
5.  booth
6.  boot
7.  read
8.  head
9.  two
10. or

1.  He used a tool to fix my boot.
2.  Jane lost her tooth.

Challenge Words:
1.  listen
2.  table
3.  travel
4.  less
5.  morning

Enrichment Words:
1.  clock
2.  graph
3.  medicine
4.  groceries
5.  symbol
6.  flavorful
7.  education
8.  conversation
9.  machine
10. cherries
11. duplicate
12. pacific
13. racquet
14. breakfast
15. lonely