Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Today we had a great time labeling the parts of a pumpkin, reading books about pumpkins, and counting pumpkin seeds.  We made predictions and counted the seeds by tens.  We wanted to see whether a large pumpkin or a small pumpkin had more seeds.  In the morning, the red group discovered that their large pumpkin had the most seeds and in the afternoon, the blue group discovered that their small pumpkin had the most seeds.  We had a great day of exploration and discovery.  Happy Halloween!

Red Group

We labeled the stem, skin, pulp, seeds and pumpkin meat.

We learned that a pumpkin is a fruit and not a vegetable.

We learned that the more lines a pumpkin has the more seeds it has too.

We learned that it is faster to count seeds by ten's than by five's or by two's.

Blue Group

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