Wednesday, May 21, 2014

 Kaleb gave a life cycle report on monkeys.

 Ava presented a life cycle report on cuckoo birds.
 Rylan won the bike that was raffled off at our school yesterday for bike rodeo day.  Way to go Rylan!

Ryan reported on the life cycle of a moth.

Monday, May 19, 2014

 Tyler presents a report about the life cycle of a plant.

 Gavin reports on the life cycle of a frog.

 Shayla teaches us about the life cycle of a ladybug.

 Today was the farewell party for Sra. Perez and Fernando.
Thanks to the parents for providing ice cream floats and thanks to the Perez family for teaching our children for the past two years.  They will be greatly missed!  We wish them well and a safe journey back to Spain.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

No spelling words or homework this week and only five more days of school!

I hope everyone has a great summer!

Kids are experimenting with friction while racing cars.

 Meryn gave a report on the life cycle of a sea star.

Dylan gave a report on the life cycle of bees.
 Photos from the Walk-a-thon

 Hanna gave a report on the life cycle of a ladybug.

 Jackson M. gave a report on the life cycle of a red tailed hawk.

 We made it all the way to the bridge!

 Photos from the hike.

 Cooling down with water balloons after the hike.

 Señora Perez is hiding under the blanket while the kids hurtle water balloons at her.

 Michael gave a report on the life cycle of a snake.

 Looking at our chia seed sprouts using a microscope.