Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of December 2nd

1.  chip
2.  chin
3.  inch
4.  itch
5.  catch
6  match
7.  wish
8.  shop
9.  see
10. some

1.  My dog Patch can fetch a stick.
2.  Chuck had chips for lunch.

Challenge Words:
1. easy
2. paper
3. group
4. always
5. music

Enrichment Words:
1.  enemy
2.  reply
3.  drink
4.  occur
5.  support
6.  speech
7.  nature
8.  range
9.  steam
10. motion
11. path
12. liquid
13. log
14. cotton
15. born

Shayla (Blue Group) won the Catch the Vision Award this month and was presented the award at the assembly last week.

Today we wrapped up our study of pilgrims.  We read several books about pilgrims and completed a venn diagram comparing and contrasting pilgrims to modern day.

This week we also wrote about things that we are grateful for using the transitional words: first, second, third, and lastly.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Today we dressed up like pilgrims and had our pumpkin pie feast.  The kiddos loved the pie and some even asked for seconds.  Thank you to the parent helpers who served the pie and especially to those who donated forks, plates, and pies.