Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spelling for the Week of September 30th
1.  all
2.  call
3.  fall
4.  wall
5.  ball
6.  tall
7.  on
8.  not
9.  of
10. his

1.  His wall is tall.
2.  The ball will not fall.

Challenge Words:
1.  sentence
2.  great
3.  think
4.  say
5.  help

Enrichment Words:
1.  sentence
2.  cleaner
3.  juice
4.  container
5.  difference
6.  sum
7.  addend
8.  until
9.  earth
10. recycle
11. college
12. wildlife
13. idea
14. could
15. radio

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of September 23rd
1.  hot
2.  hop
3.  pop
4.  pot
5.  dot
6.  not
7.  back
8.  pick
9.  his
10. that

1.  The pot is hot.
2.  Hop on the dot.

Challenge Words:
1.  name
2. very
3. through
4. just
5. form

Enrichment Words:
1.  through
2.  September
3.  often
4.  autumn
5.  polish
6.  orange
7.  bedroom
8.  east
9.  order
10. place
11. lesson
12. begin
13. fur
14. direction
15. because

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

 Today we participated in an inquiry-based science activity.  Our assignment was to build a wall out of Legos.  Our wall had to be 4" in height and strong enough or stable enough to withstand our teacher trying to knock it over by a flick of her finger.  We really had to use our brains and work together to figure out which design would work best.  Most of the walls were a success (after many attempts) but a few toppled down.  We are learning by doing and some of us will be the engineers of tomorrow.

Below is a quote that I love by Benjamin Franklin:

"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn."

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Last Friday we went to the Natural History Museum at SUU.  We learned about plants, seeds, animal skulls, and toured the green houses.  We also went to another building and saw a tarantula, bearded dragon, ball python, and a cockroach from Madagascar.   We even got to watch the bearded dragon eat a cockroach.  Below are the pics from our trip.

We finished the punctuation unit last week.  We learned how to punctuate telling sentences, asking sentences, excited sentences and how to use commas when making a list.  

Spelling Words for the Week of September 16th
1.  pick
2.  pack
3.  tack
4.  back
5.  sack
6.  sick
7.  big
8.  is
9.  was
10. said

1.  I have a big sack.
2.  Pick up the tack.

Challenge Words:
1.  came
2.  show
3.  every
4.  good
5.  give

Enrichment Words:
1.  wonderful
2.  surprise
3.  table
4.  together
5.  group
6.  science
7.  there
8.  their
9.  amazed
10. reading
11. cute
12. would
13. around
14. sentence
15. off