Sunday, February 24, 2013

Riley Howard from the Red Group won first place in the First Grade Spelling Bee held on February 15th.  She then qualified to compete in the School Wide Spelling Bee on February 20th with 2nd and 3rd graders.  She did a great job and we are so proud of her!  Way to go Riley!

We wallked to the Heritage Center Friday for a concert featuring the steel drum band "Caribbean Sound".  It was an incredible concert that got the children and adults dancing in their seats.

Spelling Words for the Week of February 25th

1.  my
2.  fly
3.  by
4.  why
5.  sky
6.  try
7.  out
8.  now
9.  long
10. no

1.  The fly flew by my home.
2.  Why is the sky black?

Challenge Words:
1.  song
2.  measure
3.  door
4.  Tuesday
5.  black

Enrichment Words:
1.  marked
2.  statement
3.  hungry
4.  join
5.  tube
6.  rode
7.  empty
8.  received
9.  twenty
10. broke
11. effect
12. paid
13. motion
14. myself
15. talked

Monday, February 18, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of February 19th

1.  cow
2.  how
3.  now
4.  down
5.  out
6   round
7.  nice
8.  face
9.  if
10. over

1.  The cow ran down the hill.
2.  Do you have a round face?

Challenge Words:
1.  body
2.  family
3.  direct
4.  Monday
5.  leave

Enrichment Words:
1.  imagine
2.  blow
3.  quick
4.  law
5.  lie
6.  final
7.  rise
8.  certainly
9.  loud
10. fair
11. pointed
12. pushed
13. herself
14. learning
15. noise

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Spelling Bee: The First Grade Spelling Bee is scheduled for Friday, February 15th at 1:00 pm.  Caleb and Riley will represent the Red Group and Zack and Addison will represent the Blue Group.  The top two winners from this contest will participate in the School Wide Spelling Bee on February 20th.

Valentine's Exchange: Each child needs to bring a valentine for each student in our class and a decorated mailbox.  This can be a cereal or shoe box decorated with stickers, paper, hearts, etc.  

Multi-cultural Fair:  This is a school wide event which begins at 6:00 pm in the gym.  The dual-immersion classes will also present a short program in Spanish in the Spanish classroom.  The Red Group will perform at 6:00 and the Blue Group at 6:30.  Please make sure your student arrives on time.
Spelling Words for the Week of February 11th

1.  ice
2.  nice
3.  rice
4.  race
5.  face
6.  space
7.  like
8.  nine
9.  are
10. come

1.  We can have a race into space.
2.  I like rice on my face.

Challenge Words:
1.  ready
2.  above
3.  ever
4.  red
5.  list

Enrichment Words:
1.  Spanish
2.  valentine
3.  heart
4.  doctor
5.  term
6.  turning
7.  dance
8.  church
9.  original
10. enjoy
11. climbed
12. string
13. sea
14. cloth
15. familiar

Note:  Starting this week, any letter reversals that change the meaning of a word will be marked as incorrect on the test.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

We are learning about contractions this week.  To help the children better understand how to make a contraction, we dressed up like doctors and performed "Contraction Surgery".  Check out the photos below.