Tuesday, January 29, 2013

 Last week we read Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss.  After which, we made our own oobleck.  We investigated what would happen if we mixed a liquid and a solid.  The children had a great time mixing the goo and touching it was even better.  Below is the recipe if you would like to make it at home.

Pour 2 cups cornstarch into a resealable bag.  Add 3 drops of food coloring.  Slowly add water one spoonful at a time to the bag.  When the cornstarch is no longer dry and flows, stop adding water.  Seal the bag and mix by gently kneading.  Enjoy!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of January 28th
1.  jelly
2.  belly
3.  bunny
4.  funny
5.  furry
6.  hurry
7.  take
8.  came
9.  will
10. me

1.  The furry bunny likes to hop.
2.  My belly is full of jelly.

Challenge Words:
1.  February
2.  plain
3.  girl
4.  young
5.  Sunday

Enrichment Words:
1.  rivers
2.  knowledge
3.  appear
4.  insects
5.  ate
6.  dinner
7.  hurt
8.  jumped
9.  spend
10. experiment
11. marks
12. touch
13. drop
14. chair
15. south

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Last week we learned about Martin Luther King Jr. and the kiddos loved the object lesson with the eggs.  First, I showed them the uncracked eggs and we talked about how they are similar and different.  Then, we cracked the eggs and saw that they are both the same on the inside.  We learned that it doesn't matter what color our skin is because we are all the same on the inside and that everyone should be treated fairly.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of January 22nd

1.  came
2.  game
3.  gate
4.  late
5.  lake
6.  take
7.  feet
8.  me
9.  would
10. ask

1.  We were late for the game.
2.  Take me to the lake.

Challenge Words:
1.  care
2.  second
3.  book
4.  carry
5.  took

Enrichment Words:
1.  narrow
2.  metal
3.  useful
4.  public
5.  buildings
6.  according
7.  steel
8.  salt
9.  carrying
10. watching
11. speech
12. machines
13. nation
14. east
15. west

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

This week we are learning about Matter.  Today we examined examples of solids, gases, and liquids.  We also compared and contrasted different liquids.  Tomorrow we will compare and contrast different solids.  We are also learning that temperature can change the state of matter.

Sorry parents, but I forgot to post this week's sentences.

1.  I ate a bean and a beet.

2.  Did you run a mile?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Red Group Pics with Santa

Spelling Words for the Week of January 14th
1.   me
2.  mean
3.  bean
4.  be
5.  beet
6.  feet
7.  low
8.  road
9.  yes
10. one

Challenge Words:
1.   until
2.  mile
3.  river
4.  car
5.  feet

Enrichment Words:
1.   product
2.  desert
3.  farther
4.  total
5.  sell
6.  wire
7.  rose
8.  cotton
9.  moves
10. spoke
11.  rope
12. rules
13. fear
14. shore
15. throughout

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of January 7th

1.  low
2.  bow
3.  row
4.  road
5.  soap
6.  boat
7.  wiggle
8.  middle
9.  get
10. them

1.  The boat is in the middle of the road.
2.  Get me a bar of soap.

Challenge Words:
1.  watch
2.  color
3.  face
4.  wood
5.  main

Enrichment Words:
1.  contain
2.  objects
3.  students
4.  turns
5.  clouds
6.  equal
7.  war
8.  value
9.  yard
10. Americans
11. beat
12. inch
13. walking
14. sugar
15. key