Sunday, December 15, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of December 16th
1.  quit
2.  quick
3.  quiz
4.  whiz
5  which
6.  when
7.  arm
8.  card
9.  down
10. did

1.  When will we take the quiz?
2.  Which card do you want?

Challenge Words:
1.  toy
2.  gift
3.  Christmas
4.  lights
5.  Santa

Enrichment Words:
1.  world
2.  actually
3.  kitchen
4.  alike
5.  grown
6.  scale
7.  basic
8.  Christmas
9.  presents
10. Santa Claus
11. reindeer
12. sleigh
13. toys
14. lights
15. decorations

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of December 9th

1.  far
2.  farm
3.  arm
4.  art
5.  cart
6.  card
7.  chin
8.  inch
9.  do
10. could

1.  The cart is full of art.
2.  Do you have pigs on your farm?

Challenge Words:
1. those
2. both
3. mark
4. often
5. letter

Enrichment Words:
1.  determine
2.  quart
3.  nine
4.  meant
5.  summer
6.  teeth
7.  shell
8.  neck
9.  returned
10. adding
11. ears
12. soldiers
13. type
14. attention
15. shouted

Thursday, December 5, 2013

We had our pottery project yesterday.  The kids had a great time and are eagerly waiting for their dishes to be fired so they can glaze them.  We also wrote letters to Santa and mailed them to the North Pole on Tuesday.  We are hoping to receive letters back from Santa before Christmas break.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Spelling Words for the Week of December 2nd

1.  chip
2.  chin
3.  inch
4.  itch
5.  catch
6  match
7.  wish
8.  shop
9.  see
10. some

1.  My dog Patch can fetch a stick.
2.  Chuck had chips for lunch.

Challenge Words:
1. easy
2. paper
3. group
4. always
5. music

Enrichment Words:
1.  enemy
2.  reply
3.  drink
4.  occur
5.  support
6.  speech
7.  nature
8.  range
9.  steam
10. motion
11. path
12. liquid
13. log
14. cotton
15. born

Shayla (Blue Group) won the Catch the Vision Award this month and was presented the award at the assembly last week.

Today we wrapped up our study of pilgrims.  We read several books about pilgrims and completed a venn diagram comparing and contrasting pilgrims to modern day.

This week we also wrote about things that we are grateful for using the transitional words: first, second, third, and lastly.