Sunday, September 30, 2012

      Spelling Words for the week of October 1st:

1.  hen
2.  pen
3.  men
4.  end
5.  send
6.  set
7.  all
8.  call
9.  that
10. she

1.  Set the pen on a desk.
2.  Ben has a red hat.

For the last three weeks we have learned about punctuation.  Period Pete introduced the period, Comma Claire introduced the comma, Exclamation Ella taught us about the exclamation point and Questioning Quinn the question mark.  These funny characters make it easy for us to remember what punctuation goes at the end of a sentence!    

      Isaac shows his example of a telling sentence.

      We are reading the Magic Tree House book #2
Mummies in the Morning
It is about Jack and Annie exploring an Egyptian pyramid and finding a mummy!  We decided that it would be fun to make our own pyramids.  Thanks to parent helpers, we did so last Friday.

      Our pyramids drying in the sun.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Spelling Words for the Week of September 24th

1.   all
2.  call
3.  fall
4.  wall
5.  ball
6.  tall
7.  on
8.  not
9.  of
10. his

1.  It is a tall wall.
2.  Did Ann hit the ball?