Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Today the kiddos had the best day ever decorating gingerbread houses.  Check out the photos!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Here are the photos from our field trip to SUU.  We saw a great chemistry show by Dr. Steffensen.  It was the best field trip ever!  The children each wrote a narrative about our trip.  Look for them in the hall in January.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Spelling Words for the Week of December 17th
1.  middle
2.  fiddle
3.  wiggle
4.  giggle
5.  puddle
6.  cuddle
7.  fur
8.  bird
9.  not
10. were

1.  The boy jumped in the puddle.
2.  I stand in the middle.

Challenge Words:
1.  December
2.  cold
3.  winter
4.  snowman
5.  fun

Enrichment Words:
1.  snow
2.  boots
3.  December
4.  snowman
5.  snowball
6.  January
7.  icicle
8.  snowflake
9.  ice
10. hibernate
11. fireplace
12. candy cane
13. mittens
14. sledding
15. coat

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Spelling Words for the week of December 10th

1.   sir
2.  dirt
3.  bird
4.  burn
5.  fur
6.  her
7.  quit
8.  when
9.  what
10. so

1.  She has a burn on her arm.
2.  The bird sat in the dirt.

Challenge Words:
1.  idea
2.  fish
3.  mountain
4.  stop
5.  once

Enrichment Words:
1.  elf
2.  lights
3.  Christmas
4.  decorations
5.  bulb
6.  Santa
7  present
8.  toys
9.  candy
10. cookies
11. ornament
12. sleigh
13. reindeer
14. chimney
15. star

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Last week we started our pottery project.  Mrs. Anderson, who is an art teacher, gave us a wonderful demonstration and helped make the project a huge success.  The children loved learning the art of pottery!  If all goes well with the firing, I plan to have the children glaze the projects on Wednesday, December 12th.  

I will send the book order home on Monday, December 3rd.  Since it is a shortened month, I would like the orders in by Friday to ensure that the books make it here by Christmas.  Please consider giving your child books for Christmas!  Books make the best gifts!
Spelling Words for the Week of December 3rd:

1.  quit
2.  quick
3.  quiz
4.  whiz
5.  which
6.  when
7.  arm
8.  card
9.  down
10. did

1.  When will we take the quiz?
2.  Which card do you want?

Challenge Words:
1.  toy
2.  gift
3.  Christmas
4.  lights
5.  Santa

Enrichment Words:
1.  world
2.  actually
3.  kitchen
4.  alike
5.  grown 
6.  scale
7.  walls
8.  basic
9.  west
10. president
11. happen
12. uncle
13. Africa
14. showed
15. safe

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Spelling Words for the Week of November 26th
1.  far
2.  farm
3.  arm
4.  art
5.  cart
6.  card
7.  chin
8.  inch
9.  do
10. could

1.  The cart is full of art.
2.  Do you have pigs on your farm?

Challenge Words:
1.  those
2.  both
3.  mark
4.  often
5.  letter

Enrichment Words:
1.  determine
2.  quart
3.  nine
4.  meant
5.  summer
6.  teeth
7.  shell
8.  neck
9.  returned
10. adding
11. ears
12. soldiers
13. type
14. attention
15. shouted

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Here are some pics from our Thanksgiving Feast!  Everyone looks adorable dressed as a pilgrim.  Thanks to those who donated the pies and other supplies.  Your generosity is much appreciated!  We had three extra pies which we gave to Mrs. Royer to deliver to needy families at our school.  Also, thank you to those parents and other volunteers that helped with serving and clean up.

Friday, November 16, 2012

There will be NO spelling words or homework for Thanksgiving week.  I hope you enjoy the holiday!

The classes display the pirate flags that we made after reading Pirates Past Noon.

Blue Group

Red Group